Tuesday, June 30, 2009


She is now 6 weeks old

Friday, June 26, 2009


Current amount: 775.75

Current amount until 1000: 224.25


Today we are trading our 806$ for big bills instead of 1 dollar bills.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Current amount: 806

Current amount until 1000 goal:194

We got the dog carrier and collar!

here is the carrier


her name is officially Rocky!

I am probably...

I am probably going to see rochi in july...CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =-P me and =o] rochi

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


A dog who can call police! WOW!


Rochi is now 5 weeks old!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dog calls 911 for owner

money makin'

this thursday we are going to last thursday to perform.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Current amount: $704

Current amount until $700 goal: PAST
Current amount until $1000 goal: $296

Saturday, June 20, 2009


This is what my room would look like if I turned all the puppy money into $1 bills. I would love to jump in that.


Current amount: $688

Current amount until $700 goal: $12
Current amount until $1000 goal: $312

I have decided not to count change anymore because it is a hassel.

Friday, June 19, 2009


This tuesday Rochi will be 5 weeks!


we have recenlty got our movie checks of 81.54 and will soon be updating.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Comments Problem

Sorry, I had just fixed a comment moderation thing and you can now comment.

Puppy lesson: Crate training

Crate Training is very useful when it comes to housebreaking, separation anxiety, destructive behavior, puppy safety, and transportation. It helps by letting the puppy be taken away from others and be put alone to cool down when the puppy is whining, begging for food, and many other things.

Step one
Getting to know the crate
If you were a puppy and someone just stuck you in a huge cage, how would you feel? Scared,Anxious, Mad? Well, all I know is, that's not what crate training is about. The first thing you do when you introduce the puppy to the crate is you make it a game for her/him (lets just say it's a girl). Put a treat in there so they feel rewarded and happy in the crate. Don't close the crate door the first day just let her play in and out of it.

Step two
Closing the door
After a few days of introducing, play with the puppy more in the crate and put a few pieces of food in this time. Then when shes eating close the door until she turns around to come out. Then once shes out do it a few more times.

Step three
Longer periods of time
Once you have got her use to the door being closed ,close the door a little longer and instead of putting food in the crate, shall we call it "Room" or "home" to make it more comfortable, put toys in the crate to occupy her a little longer. You may keep up this longer minutes (2-5 minutes) for a few days and start to make the time in the crate longer by the day. Once you start to move to the 1o-15 minutes you may want to put a water bowl in the crate and more accessories.

Step four
At Last
When you have gotten to the point of reaching the detonated time goal. You may begin to use the "room" as a traveling device,place for nap time,place for privacy and space, and whatever else you like.

Thank you for visiting please leave comments.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I made a poem

So small and sweet
you're such a treat
I love now
I love you always
within my heart you'll be
my sweet Rochi puppy

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hair Cut Choices...

There are many haircuts to choose from, but personally I like the shorter ones.

I like the 2nd picture the most.


4 Weeks
3 Weeks

Buisness Plan

Total amount of Money needed:900$
Buisness Plan
Supplies We need
  • Nature's Miricale 9$
  • Puppy Collar 4$
  • Tearless Puppy Shampoo 7$
  • Child Gate (Not Essential) 17$
  • Puppy Teething toys 10$
Supplies We Have
  • Crate
  • Puppy Bed
  • Nail clippers
  • Puppy Emergency Kit
  • Brushes
Other Cost
  • Spaying 175$
  • Shots 75$
  • Puppy 595$
  1. Amanda : 190$
  2. Emily : 75$
  3. Tyler : 49$
Total : 314$
Allowence in next two months
we are planning to chip-in
  • Amanda : 60$
  • Emily : 60$
How much does that cover our cost?
We have 466 more $ to make!
Covering 466$
  • lemonade stand 20$
  • Street perform 50$
  • Garage Sale 75$
  • Cookie sale 50$
  • Babysitting 240$
  • Pet sitting 100$
  • Arts and Crafts sale 30$
  • Tip Jar 5$
All that added up = 570$
That's over 900$
For any extra! We hope to complete the activities ASAP!

There are some things that need to be changed and rearranged but this is what we planned. Things have changed and now our goal is $1000.

Puppy Training

I have been watching Puppy Training Videos. They really help me.

Rochi Update.

Rochi was born on May 19 2009 and she is now 4 weeks old! 1 more month untill we can get her!

Monday, June 15, 2009

How, you ask?

Here are the ways we have been earning money for the puppy:
1. Street Performing (BIG INCOME)
2. Birthday Money Donations (MEDIUM INCOME)
3. Old Babysitting Money (MEDIUM INCOME)
And that's it so far! WE have been hard workers!
Same as Last Money Post. Check Regularly!
Thank You For Reading.

I hope, I hope.

I just thought I should say something about Ellie on this blog because she is just as precious as Rochi. Ellie was the Sweetest Puppy. She would never bite anyone, She would never scare anyone. She would just be the sweetest she could be. I loved her and sometimes would get angry at her and yell at her for peeing on the floor. Now that she is gone, I realize there are some things I wish I didn't do or say. But, that's life you learn from your mistakes. I get to learn from the mistakes I made with Ellie. Because she was the perfect Dog, but, maybe sometimes I wasn't the perfect owner. I wish to be a better owner with Rochi and I hope, I hope Rochi will have a little Ellie in her.

Here Are some Beautiful pics of my Puppy.
(Rochi Ellie Burrell)
I know I didn't discuss the middle name with my family but that's what it is.


She is still 3 weeks and What a beauty at that! Same amount of money as last post. I will update her pictures shortley. Thank you for checking on our Rochi baby. Comment and follow!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Current Amount: 464.30$

Current Amount until 700$ goal: 235.70$
CUrrent Amount until 1000$ goal: 535.7$

Friday, June 12, 2009


Current amount: 363.26

Currnet amount untill 700$ goal:336.74
Current amount until 1000$ goal: 636.74


She is now 3 weeks old.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Please Follow and Comment our blog. We like to hear what you think!

How Much More Until We Reach Our Goal For This Month?

336.99 until we reach our 700$ goal. If you count our money that is coming in a check then it would be only 72.99$ Until we reach our 700$ goal!

Current money needed until 700$ goal for this month: 336.99$
Current money needed counting money being sent in checks: 72.99$
Current money amount we have: 363.01$
This Post Was Brought To You By
Amanda and Emily


We now have 363.01$

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Here are some more Rochi pics. She is now 3 weeks old. We still have 358$ so far.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


We have 358$ so far.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Welcome to the bekids123-puppy Blog! This is a regularly updated blog of our new family member, Rochi or Maxine, which ever best fits. Rochi, short for Rachmaninoff. Max, short for Maxine. Please tell me which name you think fits better in your comment. Thank you for visiting.